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The New Hospital (Het nieuwe ziekenhuis)



Director: Marleine van der Werf

Script: Marleine van der Werf & Eva Wijers

Camera: Remko Schnorr

Geluid: Erik Schuring

Editor: Saskia Kievits

Sounddesign & Music: Henke Jelle de Groot

Grading & Vfx: Laurent Fluttert


Inititated & Produced by: Erasmus MC & IDTV

The New Hospital, Mid-length documentary


Innovation and scientific discoveries are rapidly changing our healthcare system. Rejuvenation, robotization, genetic alteration and organ cultivation will change our society forever. But to what extent can we engineer our own bodies? In the documentary ‘The new hospital’, we experience these dilemmas through several characters that work at the Erasmus University Hospital and who are confronted with these questions every day. After 18 years of renovation, the new Erasmus MC will open its doors. But how do you create a future proof hospital?



© Marleine van der Werf

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