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The Prediction Machine

The Prediction Machine

October - 2017

Duration 15 minutes


Director/ Producer: Marleine van der Werf

Camera: Remko Schnorr

Geluid: Abel Heijkamp

Editor: Jos Meijers

Sounddesign: Henke Jelle de Groot


Inititated & Produced by:

Radboud University & Inscience



Inscience filmfestival, Nijmegen

Imagine science filmfestival, New York


Science filmfestival Abu Dhabi

+ winner scientist Award


NEST studio for the Arts, University of Colorado
Cinema Obscura, Enschede
Science communication conference, Portland, USA
The National Autonomous University of Mexico City 
Sci-Art space State Studio, Berlin
Art Science Museum, Singapore


This screening has received funding through a grant from the Netherland-America Foundation



The short documentary is a collaboration between filmmaker Marleine van der Werf and Professor Floris de Lange who both research perception in their work. Both were invited and selected for this collaboration by the Radboud University and the Inscience filmfestival


The Prediction Machine, Short documentary


'The Prediction Machine’ focuses on the research of acclaimed Dutch neuroscientist Floris de Lange. In his 'Predictive brain lab’ he explores what expectations do with our perception. Inspired by the film 'Robocop' in his teens, De Lange became interested in the human brain and the question of whether you could reproduce it. But when he realized that no one has ever succeeded to create artificial intelligence that can perceive as well as humans do, this became his first step in his research to understand our brain.



"The Prediction Machine is een mooie samensmelting van vorm en inhoud. De gebruikte lenzen, camerastandpunten en montage zorgen soms voor een bijna misselijkmakende ervaring, maar doordringen de kijker tegelijkertijd wel van de chaos aan informatie waarvan je brein de hele dag door maar chocola moet zien te maken. Dit ondersteunt heel beeldend het wetenschappelijke én persoonlijke verhaal dat Floris de Lange ondertussen vertelt. Na het zien van deze film is je ontzag voor je brein weer een beetje gegroeid."


English Interview with VOX about the film:

© Marleine van der Werf

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