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Starting with a question

Yesterday I was sitting on a bench in the last autumn sun, doing an exercise of being silent for 90 minutes and looking at my surroundings. There I was sitting in the city centre of Amsterdam. Just opposite of a small bicycle bridge and a canal with boats, buildings and people going back and forth. I thought during these 90 minutes I could relax, would have great ideas, maybe new insights or at least see something beautiful passing by... But it surprised me to realise that when I looked at things, I wasn't really looking. It rather raised more questions. When I closed my eyes I heard bicycles passing by. First the noise entered my right ear, then the sound came in front of me and passed my left ear. But when I opened my eyes, they took over and I couldn't hear the same panning like before. Apparently my eyes took over my ears, but why? Then I ate a mandarin, my fingers were orange, would the inside of my tummy be orange as well? And what about the wash that was drying on the boat in front of me? Why weren't the shirts that were similar in length moving in the same rhythm? I guess that as most of you, I can't imagine my life without asking questions.

So to kick of my artistic research in and through film I will ask my first question:

Does a sensory experience enhance the physical and emotional experience of cinema?

Or is it more clear if I ask: Does physical embodiment that synchronises with elements in a cinematic story enhances the experience of the spectator?

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